Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning process that addresses mild to moderate gum infections when the condition has led to the development of bacterial pockets between the teeth and gums. These pockets can pose a significant risk for your oral health as they allow for the accumulation of plaque, tartar, and bacteria between the gums and teeth and ultimately affect the roots of a tooth. These gum areas can be pretty challenging to clean with a toothbrush. As a result, the gums can become more vulnerable to infections, decay, and eventually tooth loss.

At Wellness Centered Dentistry in the Redmond area, Washington, we perform efficient scaling and root planing procedures to eliminate the debris below the gum line and seal the periodontal pockets.

How Do Scaling and Root Planing Treatments Help?

  • Stop Gum Disease

The scaling and root planing treatments help reinstate gum health by efficiently removing the diseased bacterial pockets.

  • Prevent Tooth Loss

The large pockets of decay and infection around the tooth roots can also result in tooth loss. The scaling and root planing process can comprehensively address these infections and prevent the loss of teeth.

  • Protect Tooth Roots

This cleaning therapy can protect the tooth roots by eliminating the harmful bacterial accumulations below the gum line.

  • Eliminate Bad Breath 

Bad breath is caused due to tooth decay and gum diseases. Scaling and root planing treatments will cure gum diseases and make your mouth odor fresh.

  • Deliver Beautiful Smile

Scaling and root planing procedures can make your smile look much more beautiful. As the surface stains of the teeth are cleaned during the process, the unattractive plaque deposits will also not be seen. Your gums and teeth will get a healthy glow.

The Scaling and Root Planing Process

The scaling and root planing processes are comparatively simple. Dr. Raymond Hsu will begin by numbing the gums to make you comfortable and relaxed throughout the treatment. Once the gums are numb, a unique scraping tool is gently used to remove the teeth’ hardened tartar deposits and other remains from the gum line. The larger substances are taken out using an ultrasonic instrument, while a scraping device is employed to shape and clean the teeth.

Finally, the debris is thoroughly washed away, pumping water at high pressure, and then the excess water and saliva are removed with the help of a suction device.

If more oversized pockets have accumulated, antibiotics threads may be placed to treat the infection while the pockets close and the gums heal. The threads are removed a week later.

To learn more about our scaling and root planing procedures, visit our office, Wellness Centered Dentistry, at 16150 NE 85th St #115, Redmond, WA 98052. You can also reach us at (425) 882-1354.